Brave browser detailed info and respected privacy

Searching for Brave browser advices? Content creators depend on ads to sustain their operations. However, the ads are not displayed on Brave browser. So how does this browser support online publishers? The browser has a unique approach when it comes to compensating of creators. Rewarding is done through the Brave Ads network and user donations. Publishers are required to register with the network before qualifying for revenue. Registered publishers earn 55% of the replaced ad revenue.

Reward Twitter users directly for great tweets. When you visit Twitter in the Brave Browser for desktop, you will see a special tip button on each tweet. Tap on a tip button to send a tip directly to the author of the tweet. For those who have verified through, tips are sent instantly and appear in their Brave Rewards account within minutes.

Support your favorite sites with Brave Rewards! Turn on Brave Rewards and give a little back to the sites you frequent most. Earn frequent flyer-like tokens (BAT) for viewing privacy-respecting ads through Brave and help fund the content you love. Browsing the web with Brave is free: with Brave Rewards activated, you can support the content creators you love at the amount that works for you.

Other browsers claim to have a “private mode,” but this only hides your history from others using your browser. Brave lets you use Tor right in a tab. Tor not only hides your history, it masks your location from the sites you visit by routing your browsing through several servers before it reaches your destination. These connections are encrypted to increase anonymity. Read more info on Brave.

Brave Rewards: Brave Rewards locally picks which private ads to show you based on your browsing activity. Then, Brave uses an anonymous accounting process to confirm ad event activity, keep personal details private, and ensure people earn rewards for their attention. Brave Ads are not intrusive to your browsing experience. Brave Ads are presented as native system notifications or background images in a new tab, separate from the web content being viewed.