Parenting recommendations by Marissa Anastasi

Parenting recommendations by Marissa Anastasi: Being creative! Thinking outside the box has got me out of so many pickles. Creativity along with just listening to your own gut has helped me troubleshoot many issues. When I have a “feeling” something might be a solution but I don’t know if it will work, I just try it and it usually does work. My gut is always right and my random creative ideas usually win!

Find a Community of Mamas. “Surrounding yourself with other new moms is so important! You can turn to each other for support, encouragement, and advice,” Scott points out. Remind Yourself That You Know What You’re Doing “I trust parents to make good decisions for their families,” says Fritsch. “You know what you’re doing. Trust yourself.” Don’t Forget to Take Time for Your Partner. “It is so easy to lose sight of your relationship and even yourself. I barely remember those first few weeks of motherhood,” Auerbach admits. “Between exhaustion, blood clots, and a failing feeding schedule, it can be hard to find quality time to reconnect with your partner. However, it is crucial that you make time. Remember it takes two to make a baby,” she notes.

Spend time with them – on their terms. Spend time with your child, but not on your terms, on theirs. If they like concerts, go with them. Have a family movie night and let your children choose the movies that you watch. You can have one night where a child chooses the movie and another night where an adult chooses the movie. Or, each family can take a turn to choose. The important thing is to meet them on their level, on their terms. This will show that you are taking an interest in them, their lives and their world. And that will mean the world to them. Explore even more info at Motherhood advices.

Having the privilege to nourish, nurture, teach and watch your child grow. It’s a surreal, rewarding, challenging experience that I love. It has given me a deeper appreciation for my own Mom and given me new confidence and purpose. I love surprise cuddles, the presentation of flowers picked on a walk and given with wide eyes and a beaming smile. When he masters a new skill and the pride and excitement of that. When you suddenly realize that you have become something of a cross between a superhero, warrior, full of love woman and you cannot possibly imagine any other experience transforming you in the way that being a Mom has done.

My blog is really about my passions in life and my struggles and it’s probably the same for many people. I feel like I could share a lot of experiences, good and bad and blogging also gives me a platform to share moments in our ever-changing life from babies, young kids to teenagers. There’s a mixture of topics, not just motherhood but lifestyle, house design, fashion, travel. I’m passionate about supporting small businesses, especially local ones and those that are run by mums like myself, as I know first-hand how difficult this is and how much the small shops need local support to survive. If YOU have a small business and would like to collaborate, please contact me…. ALL FOR SMALL!! Discover even more info on